Facebook is pushing the limits in almost everything. We are afraid that the effort in trying to achieve perfection does not end up being the destruction of facebook.
Currently, Facebook is adopting a really aggressive approach to spam detection (Well in almost everything to be honest).
This is tested on multiple Facebook pages. Where facebook bot is continuously detecting The legitimate posts as spam. Although the posts were regularly appealed against and most of them were kept under review.
But, whatever posts were reviewed, they got back on Facebook, as Facebook found out they were not spams.
This practice by Facebook is giving only one message and that’s what we can expect in the long term. Small or medium publishers are going to find it even harder with every passing day to survive on Facebook.
As the current approach suggests that Facebook wants only original content creators on its platform. Any kind of reused content whether video or article will be demoted and demonetized on facebook.
Publishers with multiple Facebook pages and who used to create more pages from their existing pages by sharing viral videos, images are going to find it harder to continue with that practice.
The only suggestion right now seems to work on creating your own content. Now is the time you take that step. Or without that, you can rest assured to find yourself in Facebook jail sooner or later.