Solved: Mixstore Woo-commerce Theme Checkout/View Cart Redirects To Home Page

So, if you bought this theme, and your support is expired then rest assured they will not be offering you any help at all.

And this little problem can take so much of your precious time. I was trying to find a solution to this view cat and checkout page redirecting to homepage again and again but was not finding anything to fix it.

I also contacted the wpx hosting support team, as their support is really good and they will literally do your developer work. The guy really tried to resolve the problem but it was just not getting resolved. I also got the theme reinstalled, restored but it was all in vain.

I also contact mix store theme support & they bluntly refused to offer any kind of help. They kept insisting that I should buy their support for 6 months only then they would help me.

So eventually I decided to manually check each and every theme option in detail and i found the solution.

All you have to do is that click these options

woocommerce – settings – advanced

and from here you select the pages for each option. It’s really as simple as that. here is also a screenshot for you.

When i had resolved the problem myself, then mix store support jumped to help also and they also provided me with same solution. So they are not that bad after all 🙂


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